Saturday, November 28, 2009

London Interior Design Consultancy

Often, junior interior designers or interns will complain to me that they just can't seem to find the time to get everything done. I tell them that being a great interior designer 100% means being able to respond in a timely fashion to clients, working effectively to deadlines and not losing focus. All of this means the modern interior designer must have outstanding organisational skills. I wanted to share a few of the top tips and techniques that I use in my London Interior Design Consultancy, Global Interior Design, to make sure that I stay on top of my busy schedule.

1. Use a planner. This sounds really simple (and it is!) but so many people forget that just writing things down is the key to staying organised as an interior designer. There are all sorts of tools out there to do this - from paper-based diaries to electronic gadgets and calendaring software packages. I like to keep one electronic planner for my interior design business and another (paper) diary for non-work or lifestyle items.

2. Don't let the hectic pace of London life become a distraction. There is so much going on in the city that some junior interior designers or interior design interns often get side-tracked into all sorts of other projects or activities. I always gently remind them that being a superior interior designer in London requires true dedication to the profession!

3. Be attentive to clients. I always make it a priority to let my interior design clients know my mobile phone number, and I stay on top of technology in all its forms. In addition to writing this interior design blog, my team keeps our company website regularly updated and I work hard to be responsive through all media - including text messaging, email, phone, facebook, and now Twitter as well!. Sometimes my clients include busy London professionals, and I have gone for weeks during a project when the only way that my client communicates with me via SMS text messaging!

4. Don't take on more than you can handle. My interior design clients are always my number one priority, and although I am often offered work across the world, I am very selective about which projects I choose and when. I never allow my workload to get in the way of outstanding results for the client.

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