Friday, January 14, 2011

Strategies and Secrets from the Notebook of a London Bathroom Design Professional - Portable Baths and Showers

Strategies and Secrets from the Notebook of a London Bathroom Design Professional - Portable Baths and Showers

In the olden days, before the "golden age" of bathroom design, portable bathtubs were very popular. They could be moved around and used in practically any room. Bathroom design professionals created a number of different models, including the terrific "slipper tub". Imagine one of the fashionable ankle-high black boots that you often see being worn today by London ladies. The slipper tub is very similar in shape, extending to the height of one's shoulders while one is seated in the bath. Often the bathroom design professional would select a tub with an inbuilt stove - the fiery coals would keep the water nice and toasty. An innovation that was a hallmark of London bathroom design in the early 1900s was the portable shower system. This remarkable device was basically a portable vat of heated water that could be held aloft by a butler and flushed out onto the resident's head in any splash-safe area of the house!

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