Friday, January 14, 2011

Strategies and Secrets from the Notebook of a London Bathroom Design Professional - Controlling Water Temperature

Strategies and Secrets from the Notebook of a London Bathroom Design Professional - Controlling Water Temperature

Some people consider it a disadvantage that many London bathroom designs do not include mixer taps. In the olden days, the hot and cold taps were often positioned on different sides of the washbasin, so that the hot water could cause minor burns and the cold tap could then be used to reduce the resulting inflammation and swelling! In order to address this problem and create a more comfortable solution, London bathroom design professionals in the 1900s started to recommend detachable double-ended rubber hoses that would connect the two taps and create a single stream of water at a blended temperature. In the 1980s, with increasing foreign travel, some London hotels and resorts implemented new bathroom designs, with fittings that are similar to mixer taps, mainly to better accommodate their international guests. However, they failed to include the essential internal mixing tumbler in their bathroom design specifications! As a consequence, if you go to any London hotel today you will often find that the water coming out of the seemingly standard single-stream basin tap is scaldingly hot on one side of the stream and close to 0˚C on the other!

1 comment:

  1. I spent most of my day today working on these new master bedroom design ideas. I did have a lovely break in the morning to go to the dentist. small bathroom remodeling
