Friday, September 9, 2011

Interior Design London - Bathroom Design Explained - Designing for Retirees and the Infirm

Professional bathroom designers are expert at combining purpose and aesthetics to craft astonishing designs. In this four-part collection of articles, "Bathroom Design Explained," I rely on my know-how gleaned from collaborating with London's Finest Bathroom Designers to explore this dynamic profession. This article discusses design for retirees.

Are the years finally starting to take a toll? Are you encountering difficulties in getting around your home? I have worked extensively with seniors and with the disabled in London, and it is always so rewarding for me to be able to transform homeowners' familiar spaces into wheelchair-accessible dream bathroom designs. I love to eliminate clutter, refresh the layout and install stairlifts. Every time, I am so excited to see the looks of amazement on the residents' faces when they meet their new bathroom designs. And even if your budget isn't big, the payoff absolutely will be when you re-design your London bathroom from drab to fab - the wheelchair way! A splendid, accessible new bathroom design can be essential to creating a contemporary, disability-safe home environment that Social Services will instantly approve.

Even a worldly, hip, student-filled city like London has plenty of residents who are retirees or who suffer from limited mobility. England's population is growing older all the time, and as a consequence bathroom designers are seeing many requests to envision fabulous bathrooms for older or less mobile individuals. The ideal solution will be 100% compatible with Social Services' accessibility guidelines while also guaranteeing a dash of stylish extravagance. Many older residents love to luxuriate soon after getting up by taking advantage of a peaceful bath hour, enjoying a fragrance-filled pot of tea, and watching the morning television chat shows at their leisure. Accordingly, the perfect bathroom design for an elderly couple or widow may feature glittering porcelain toilets, smooth and well-lit surfaces to use when applying beauty treatments, and easy-open cupboards that can hold a kettle, coffee maker and home audiovisual equipment equipped with an induction loop for the hard of hearing.

Retirees complain of arthritic joints and painful tendons all too often. Bathroom designers may recommend high-end baths that incorporate massage whirlpools, together with height-limited bathtubs that promote ease of entry. In more spacious London houses, we may recommend a deck adjacent to the bath. This great solution allows a retiree to sit down before slowly levering themselves into the bubbly warm water.

Individuals who are constrained to wheelchair-only mobility will often benefit from the addition of a sizeable roll-in showering area. Bathroom designers will recommend an easy-grip detachable shower head in addition to a wall-mounted in-shower bench. This combination guarantees a luxurious morning wash that can normally be performed unaided - rivalling the most extravagant London spas and salons.

Well, that brings to an end this collection of articles on "Bathroom Design Explained." Thank you so much for reading!

Interior Design London - Global Interior Design Consultancy Company in London, UK for interior design services.

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