Saturday, April 2, 2011

From the Desk of London’s Renovation Maven

From the Desk of London's Renovation Maven: The "Three Perfects" of Lighting

Often my UK-based clients ask me what's new and fabulous in the world of London renovations. I respond that the big preoccupation right now is lighting. There is a new movement making big fireworks in town, and it is known in some quarters as the "three perfects." London renovation professionals often refer to it simply as "the perfect light, at the perfect time, in the perfect location."

However, don't be misled by the seeming straightforwardness of this little phrase - its impacts are huge. It influences the way I think of my work as a London renovation pro every day. In this fresh series of 100% original blog posts titled "From the desk of London 's renovation maven " I will attempt to take away the jargon and make sense of what this new outlook means for property owners in our nation's cosmopolitan capital and indeed across the globe!

From the Desk of London's Renovation Maven: Fresh Approaches to How we Understand Lighting

2011 is truly a breathtaking time for lighting pros who work in London's renovation industry - both residential and commercial. I have personally noted how the lighting world is shifting from tungsten technologies of the 1800s to the latest and greatest silicon-based intelligent illuminators. The work of London renovation pros will never be the same again. Personally I believe that this is the biggest change since we did away with candles in favour of filaments back a couple of centuries ago!

But it's not just the lighting technology itself that is changing the London renovation ecosystem... our familiar approaches to how we come to grips with and measure lighting are now being called into question. And the homeowner's craving for green, environmentally conscious solutions is powerfully accelerating all of this. My friends are kind enough to refer to me as the queen of London renovations, but in truth I think I owe much of my success to the fact that my personal signature design philosophy intersects so perfectly with these new movements!

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